Hi Pedro,
Maybe I can help you narrow it down. But, first I will need to know a little 
bit about your proposed research project. 
Will you be working with your own students or others? Will you be both teacher 
and investigator? What is the age/grade and grade of the students who will be 
using Sugar? What does your research design look like?  Do you plan to do a 
survey, pre-test/post-test with control and experimental groups, a combination 
of both or something else? Will you be using XOs or SOAS (Sugar On A Stick)? 
Will students have access to Sugar outside the classroom?What subjects do you 
plan to concentrate on?
Caryl Bigenho 

> To: pt.p...@gmail.com
> From: fors...@ozonline.com.au
> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 07:34:08 +1100
> CC: iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org
> Subject: [IAEP]  activities (games) recommended age
> Hi Pedro
> The main target audience for the XO laptop and Sugar is primary school, 
> grades 1-6. Younger children will have difficulty using a computer. Many of 
> Sugar's Activities are usable by older children, I think Sugar still quite 
> suitable for grades 7-8. Older children may find the Sugar desktop 
> restrictive and want to use the Gnome desktop for some tasks such as access 
> to the underlying file system.
> Children in grades 5-6 are probably the most productive, the desire to 
> experiment and create seems to peak around these years.
> Tony
> Hello.
> I'm a teacher and I am going to do master's thesis on the use of Sugar
> Activities (games).
> Can anyone tell me if there is any recommendation on the appropriate ages
> for activities (games)? Or do you consider this as an opposition to
> constructionism and the freedom of choice of the child?
> Where can I get more information on this subject?
> Sorry for my english.
> Thank you very much,
> -- 
> Pedro Martins
> 966092379
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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