2009/8/10  <yuriza.n...@ep.total.no>:
> Pak Awang udah baca E&P July 2009, hal  32 - 33 ?.
> Artikel ini mengenai new spec seismic di west sumatera, cendrawasih dan
> bone bay, yang katanya bisa menjungkir balikkan hipotesa sebelumnya.
> Mohon komentarnya.
> salam
> y

Bagi yang penasirun, silahkan baca artikelnya dibawah ini :

saatnya kembali

Things are not what they seem in Indonesia
A new prospectivity study puts old doubts to rest.

Article By Peter Baillie, TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Co.
Published Jul 1, 2009

Cenderawasih multibeam and seismic section.
True or false: The Sumatra forearc is unprospective; there is not
sufficient sedimentary section in Bone Bay to have generated
hydrocarbons; Cendarawasih Bay is underlain by oceanic crust and is
not prospective. If you answered “true” to all of these, many experts
would agree that you are correct. Until relatively recently, all of
these statements were believed to be true.

In fact, there are many widely held ideas about the geological
structure underlying Indonesia’s deepwater basins that are now being
turned on their heads in the face of new geophysical and geological
evidence. In a recent mega-study of Indonesia’s deepwater basins,
evidence was found indicating that the Sumatra forearc may not be a
forearc at all, Bone Bay has a potentially prolific (and previously
unidentified) synrift section, and Cenderawasih Bay is underlain by
something quite different than oceanic crust.

These are just a few examples demonstrating that the geology and
petroleum potential of Indonesia’s deepwater basins are very poorly
understood and that many preconceptions about prospectivity are based
on lack of data rather than rational analysis. TGSNOPEC Geophysical
Co. (TGS) and the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
(MIGAS) are bringing new insights into the realities of these areas
with the IndoDeep exploration program, a megastudy over Indonesia’s
deepwater basins covering nearly 610,000 sq miles (1 million sq km) of
the region. The IndoDeep program integrates 2-D seismic data and
gravity and magnetic data with core data and multibeam sonar
technology that can help detect oil seeps and other active geological
processes on the ocean floor.

TGS began acquisition of data for the IndoDeep program in late 2006
and completed the project in early 2008. The dataset includes 21,924
line miles (36,000 line km) of high-resolution, long-offset 2-D
seismic data; 154,440 sq miles (400,000 sq km) of multibeam sonar
(bathymetry and backscatter) data; 85,260 miles (140,000 km) of
gravity and magnetic data; 50 heat flow probes; and the collection and
analysis of 1,150 core samples. Now that the data have been acquired
and the study is underway, theories such as the previously held
notions about Sumatra, Bone Bay, and Cenderawasih are being challenged
as the data reveals new clues about the geological evolution and
prospectivity of the archipelago.

Theories thwarted

The IndoDeep program has already challenged some of the widely held
beliefs about several of the deepwater regions.

One example is the Sumatra “forearc” area west of the island of
Sumatra. The study indicates that the very notion that this represents
a forearc area may not be accurate. The results of the seismic,
multibeam, and coring surveys indicate that the oblique collision of
the Australo-India and Eurasian plates offshore of Sumatra has
resulted in the formation of a series of wrench basins. In addition, a
synrift section overlain by Miocene and Pliocene carbonates has been
identified on the seismic data. This is significant because a similar
synrift section has generated billions of barrels of oil in nearby
onshore areas and throughout much of southeast Asia. Furthermore, core
analysis indicates the presence of thermogenic hydrocarbons in the
study area. An additional 5,664 miles (9,300 km) of 2-D seismic data
is currently being acquired in the Sumatra region.

Another region that has been shown to be geologically interesting is
Cendera-wasih Bay. An emergent and previously unknown fold-and-thrust
belt has been found on the eastern side of the bay. In addition, a
significant sedimentary section was found underlying a substrate of
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. These rocks include reefs that are
apparently similar to producing reefs in western parts of the island
of New Guinea.

 Potential proven

A similar synrift trend was found in Bone Bay, which was once believed
to have neither significant sedimentary section nor hydrocarbons.

In addition to the spectacular results from the seismic data, the
coring geochemistry was an unprecedented success. All areas showed the
presence of thermogenic hydrocarbons, with 46% of cores returning
thermogenic gas hits and 13% showing oil seeps. These results are
double the world average for this type of survey, and that success is
attributed to a combination of factors. First of all, the targets were
found using backscatter, or the intensity of the returning sonar
“ping” which gives an indication of the hardness or lithology of the
seabed. Other key components of the project’s success include the
direct navigation of the piston corer onto the target and the active
tectonics of the Indonesian archipelago.

Another interesting result of the project is the repeated evidence of
gas hydrates in the region. The data acquired over the Sunda area
between the islands of Java and Sumatra has revealed the existence of
significant amounts of gas hydrates, which may well be an energy
source for the distant future. Other instances of gas hydrates were
found in the Makassar Straits between the islands of Borneo and
Sulawesi, in eastern Indonesia in the Seram Trough near the island of
Waiego and the westernmost end of New Guinea.

IndoDeep insight

Indonesia is still a significant hydrocarbon producer with more than
950,000 boe/d from eight basins. Output, however, has been declining
at an average annual rate of 5%, and potentially large stores of
hydrocarbons remain to be discovered. Up until now, the 30 frontier
sedimentary basins were lacking modern geophysical data to indicate
their potential.

By combining modern geophysical data with geochemistry from carefully
mapped oil and gas seeps, the IndoDeep project could effect a change
in the speed and efficiency with which exploration companies find
hydrocarbons in frontier basins and assess their commercial potential.

The bathymetric data generate spectacularly beautiful images of the
seafloor and illustrate active geological processes. The combination
of multibeam bathymetry and 2-D seismic data provides a virtual 3-D
image to help unravel the geological history of these very complicated
areas while costing significantly less than 3-D. A deepwater basin can
now be fast-tracked from an area of little or no exploration interest
to a hydrocarbon exploration hot spot.

As anticipated, the IndoDeep program is generating a huge amount of
new data and fresh ideas about Indonesia’s geology. Early indications
are that the complete dataset will challenge previously held concepts
of the hydrocarbon potential of Indonesia’s frontier basins, which
will prove valuable to explorers and the people of Indonesia for many
years to come.


PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
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13-14 Oktober 2009
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