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Ayo ayo lets explore !!!! 


On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:08 AM, "Bandono Salim" <bandon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Setuju se7 .
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> From: andangbacht...@yahoo.com
> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 10:24:52 +0000
> To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> ReplyTo: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Optimalkan Ikhtiar untuk Explorasi Migas (RE : 
> Apakah ini gawat? Cadangan minyak kita 4 milyar bbl)
> Konco2 IAGI, seringkali kita ketakutan dengan bayangan yg kita ciptakan 
> sendiri, yg sebenarnya juga diojok-ojok-i oleh provokasi kapitalis 
> (multi)-nasional companies, bhw: kalau regulasi kita tdk berbaik2 dg para 
> pemain besar yg punya investasi, maka mrk akan hengkang pergi, eksplorasi 
> eksploitasi jadi sepi, pembangunan mandegh berhenti. 
> Nah, sekarang mari kita coba sedikit mengubah paradigma cara pandang - cara 
> pikir terkait dg situasi ini dg melihat: seberapapun sulitnya kondisi - di 
> Venezuela, Brazil, Nigeria, Libya, Irak, Iran, Arab saudi; kalau barangnya 
> bagus, tetap saja kakap2 bakal mencari!! Mau perang, mau diktator, mau 
> nasionalisasi, teteup saja yg namanya modal investasi kapitalis sejati 
> lengkeeet terus gak mau pergi2. Memang sih, kadang2 ngambek, menggertak - 
> bluffing - dg memperkarakan itu ini ke mahkamah internasional dsb (dan kita 
> u/Karahabodas punya pengalaman yg perih soal ini), tapi itu semua kan bisa 
> disiasati. Apa gunanya lawyer2 migas kita yg hebat2 selama ini (jangan pula 
> kita harapkan Poltak dan Paris turun tangan: ngisin2i).
> Nah: ayo kita bikin barang kita semenarik Tupi, seheboh Gn Padang, seraksasa 
> Cepu, segemulai Semai, se-eksotik Bach Ho!! Kita lakukan sendiri, tdk perlu 
> musti tergantung org2 luar negeri. Kalau mau, kita mampu! Masih puluhan 
> cekungan tak terdelineasi, masih puluhan play tak dicermati, masih miliaran 
> cadangan tak terdeteksi.
> Kalau sudah ada selintas indikasi2, spec2 survei yg membesarkan hati, dan 
> tetap saja tdk ada yg meminati: malah bagus: kerjakan saja dg kemampuan 
> sendiri: sampai nanti discovery-discovery akan membuat kakap2 besar itu tak 
> akan memandang sebelah mata ke kita lagi. 
> Mari kita ciptakan kakap2 investasi kita sendiri, berdiri di atas kaki 
> sendiri: memerdekakan kedaulatan energi!!!
> Itu dia: Pak Agung Pamuji sudah kasi contoh MULAI!!!
> Arema ex Stema
> IAGI 0800
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> From: "Agung Pamudji Widodo" <apwid...@patranusa.com>
> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 16:55:06 +0700
> To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> ReplyTo: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Subject: [iagi-net-l] Optimalkan Ikhtiar untuk Explorasi Migas (RE : Apakah 
> ini gawat? Cadangan minyak kita 4 milyar bbl)
> Mohon maaf  pak moderator,
> Numpang lewat, untuk menggalang semangat baru untuk explorasi,  baik di 
> Mature Area maupun Frontier Area,
> “Mari Optimalkan Ikhtiar untuk Explorasi Migas”.
> Ini salah satu yang sudah kami mulai. ( tiga basin C.Sumatra, S.Sumatra, 
> Kutei).
> Salam
> Agung P. Widodo
> 0811.98.3285
> Post-Mortem Analysis of Exploration Oil and Gas Well
> in Central Sumatera Basin
> Vol. 2 (2012)
> The result of an exploratory well most of the time is different with what was 
> expected from the prognosis. The result has never been precisely the same 
> with what we predicted prior to drilling. The discrepancies between the 
> drilling prognosis and actual drilling result can lead to the well being 
> considered as a dry hole well.
> The objective of this comprehensive analysis is to re-evaluate selected wells 
> to better understand the reasons for the failure and to identify the 
> overlooked hydrocarbon potential.
> The analysisis integrated geological, petrophysical and reservoir analyses. 
> Well information from prognosis, during operation and well end report were 
> extensively evaluated. Understanding of regional petroleum system is 
> critical. Therefore, all related report and published information were 
> compiled and interpreted to build the regional petroleum system for the 
> Central Sumatera Basin. Petrophysical evaluation was done in parallel to 
> estimate the reservoir and fluid properties. These evaluations were 
> integrated with other related well data to come up with a more consistent 
> interpretation. A model was then constructed to define the available 
> potential for each individual well.
> Post mortem analysis for 36 oil and gas exploration wells in Central Sumatera 
> Basin that identified as dry or suspended were conducted, the data 
> availability of each well are are shown in the table below:
> <image001.jpg>
> The results of analysis are as follow:
> a.      18 wells of 36 wells have upside potential. Based on well basis 
> calculation, the Contingent Possible (C3) Oil Inplace is 16.3MMstb.
> b.     1 (one) well that was drilled in September 1987. After reached TD DST 
> was not conducted and well P&A. Petrophysical analysis identify there is 
> potential hydrocarbon at 1356-1384ft, 1304-1314ft, and 1188 – 1211 ft. with 
> potential contingent possible gas in place is 8.49 Bcf. 
> c.      1 (one) well that was drilled in March 1991. After reached TD 
> formation sampling was conducted by wireline and recover inflammable gas at 
> depth 2555ft. Petrophysic analysis identify as gas formation with probably 
> high CO2. Contingent possible gas in place is 20.9 Bcf. Beside that upside 
> potential identified based on petrophysical analysis at 1982 – 2075 ft and 
> 2710 – 2792 ft with total well basis calculation possible contingent oil in 
> place is 1.4 MMSTB. 
> d.     1 (one) well that was drilled in January 1975 and conducted DST job at 
> two intervals. At first interval no oil can flow naturally, after swabbing 
> got water.  At second interval no oil can flow naturally, after swabbing got 
> oil with API 30.4 and pour point 105oF. Based on well basis calculation, 
> obtain Proven Oil in place (P1) is 0.497 MMstb and Possible oil in place (P3) 
> is 0.558 MMstb.
> e.      15 wells of 36 were lack of hydrocarbon potential.
>  (yang tertarik hubungi lewat JAPRI)

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