Mudah2an shale exit tidak terjadi di Indonesia, melainkan tetap exist for
shale gas exploration..
ExxonMobil in Poland shale exit

By Kathrine Schmidt and news wires

 18 June 2012 18:00 GMT
  *Following two disappointing test wells in January, ExxonMobil has made
the decision to call off further exploration there, a spokesman said
Monday. *

"There have been no demonstrated sustained commercial hydrocarbon flow
rates in our two wells in the Lublin and Podlasie basins," ExxonMobil
spokesman Patrick McGinn told Upstream in an email.

"We do not have additional drilling plans in Poland."

The supermajor's chief executive Rex Tillerson in March alluded to some of
the technical challenges of drilling in rock formations that had initially
held high hopes for unconventional production.

The US Energy Information Administration has pegged Poland as having among
the largest shale reserves in Europe.

Nonetheless, ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson spoke to the
technical difficulties there in a New York meeting with analysts in March.

“Some of the shales don’t respond as well to hydraulic fracturing,” the
news wire quoted Tillerson as saying during a meeting with reporters after
his presentation to analysts. “It’s going to take research and time in the
lab to understand that.”

Reuters said that a government report in March slashed estimates of
Poland's shale gas reserves to 346 billion to 768 billion cubic meters, or
about one-tenth of previous estimates, denting hopes for an energy source
that could play a key role in weaning Europe off Russian gas.

Poland has granted 112 shale exploration licences to ExxonMobil, Chevron
and other firms, even as some countries, including France and Bulgaria,
have banned shale exploration pending further environmental studies.

The Poles are keen to wean themselves off their heavy reliance on coal and
imported Russian gas, partly due to environmental commitments they face as
a European Union member nation.

"ExxonMobil realised that commercial extraction was not possible with
currently available technology. This is a general problem in Poland that
shale rocks are too tight to allow extraction," an industry source told the
news wire, asking not to be identified.

Abundant shale gas production in Poland poses a potential threat to
Russia's supremacy in Europe, where it supplies a quarter of the gas used
in the EU.

Yet Russian gas export monopoly Gazprom has repeatedly played down the
threat and on Monday Sergei Komlev, head of contract structuring and price
formation at Gazprom Export, told a conference in London that Polish gas
would struggle to achieve the low prices of US shale rivals.

"In Poland the price for shale gas will be above $15 per million British
thermal units, over three times than in the US where prices will rise to
$5-10 (from a current $2.50) once they export gas," Komlev said.

Last Wednesday, the government abruptly called off a presentation of a
legal framework for the development of shale gas resources, disappointing
industry players eager for more clarity before committing further to
investing in the sector.

"If this draft was published and ExxonMobil later declared it was leaving
the country, it would most likely have been a disaster in terms of the
country's image," said Piotr Spaczynski, partner at law firm Spaczynski,
Szczepaniak & Wspolnicy, which advises foreign oil companies investing in
Polish shale.

The government now plans to unveil the draft law by the end of the month,
and has said it will cover exploration and extraction of oil and gas from
both conventional and unconventional sources, including taxation, licensing
and environmental issues.

"If I were the government, I would scrap all drafts and let companies work,
or publish a draft supporting exploration and not one directed at excessive
taxation," Spaczynski said.

Poland had high hopes for shale after a study by the US Energy Information
Association in 2011 estimated Polish reserves at 5.3 trillion cubic metres,
enough to cover domestic demand for some 300 years.

The government's study in March slashed estimates for recoverable shale gas
reserves at 346 to 768 billion cubic metres.

Despite ExxonMobil, the world's most valuable energy company, to deciding
to scrap exploration, other firms said they remained committed.

"(Our company) continues to remain extremely optimistic about the outlook
for Polish shale gas," said John Buggenhaggen, exploration director at
UK-listed San Leon Energy.

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