Iya ni ada air Pergect alkaline, ada kandungan Ca .Mg Na K; da S, Cl dan N. Ini 
air mineral beneran.
Lumayan 5 ribu/ 500 cc.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: Ridwan Luwia <ridlu...@yahoo.com>
Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 07:45:58 
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Reply-To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
Dear Abah, 
Minum air alkalis Abah dgn ph diatas 9 dan hexagonal

Best regards - Salam sejahtera
Ridwan | Luwia ®

On Jun 27, 2013, at 7:36, "Yanto R. Sumantri" <yrs_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Phi
> Air mineral dan air emasan (spt aqua) kan beda .
> Yang dimaksud Prof Kyozumi air mineral yang mengandung mineral apa ya ?
> Saya sama dokter disuruh makan obat Emiphrazole SEBELUM MAKAN ,mungkin 
> masudnya seperti itu ya .
> si Abah
> From: "aluthfi...@gmail.com" <aluthfi...@gmail.com>
> To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Epek makan jaman baheula memang terasa sekarang. Untuk memperkecil epek 
> jangka panjang yg bikin sakit. Nasehat itu pro jepang ahli colon/usus kalau 
> tak salah Prof Kyozumi, bangun tidur pagi sebelum perut diisi kopi/teeh dan 
> makanan, minumlah air mineral 2 gelas. Dinding usus dalam kita itu dilindungi 
> oleh liquid semacam lendir (seperti lubang bor yang dilindungi oleh lumpur 
> pemboran), lendir ini mudah terlarut oleh cafein, fungsi air mineral adalah 
> meng-coating lendir tadi agar tak kontak langsung dengan cafein atau zat 
> makanan yg bisa menggerus lendir tadi. Bila ber-tahun2 lendir tersebut larut 
> oleh cafein atau tergerus zat lain dalam makanan maka dinding dalam usus 
> terbuka dan kontak langsung dengan makanan/minuman, lama2 terjadi luka 
> seperti sariawan/tukak lambung/mag asam lambung sampai kanker usus. Dengan 2 
> gelas air mineral setiap bangun tidur pagi, insyaAllah problem colon desease 
> bisa kita hindari. 
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> From: bandon...@gmail.com
> Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 09:18:13 +0000
> To: Iagi<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> ReplyTo: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Salah makan dikala remaja Abah. Epeknya setelah 3/4 sepuh.
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> From: "Yanto R. Sumantri" <yrs_...@yahoo.com>
> Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:36:32 -0700 (PDT)
> To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> ReplyTo: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> From: Yanto R. Sumantri <yrs_...@yahoo.com>
> To: "iagi-net@iagi.or.id" <iagi-net@iagi.or.id> 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 10:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Bisa , kalau 50 juta orang Indonesia sakit maaag atau ada polip di ussusnya 
> ......................kaya saya hehehehe
> si Abah
> From: "aluthfi...@gmail.com" <aluthfi...@gmail.com>
> To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Koh Lim kalau cabe harganya dinaikkan apa ya konsumsine bisa turun???
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Ismail Zaini" <lia...@indo.net.id>
> Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 02:41:01 
> To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Reply-To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Pemerintah mau Impor Cabe dari Cina , lha wong cabe saja kok impor {kompas 
> pagi ini} , 
> Kalau crude dan BBM  sdh lama impor , apalagi kalau semakin turun saja 
> liftingnya impornya semakin besar krn konsumsinya semakin tinggi . Nyari 
> minyaknya semakin sulit pakai minyaknya semakin banyak krn diversifikasi 
> nggak jalan krn minyaknya murah
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> -----Original Message-----
> From: aluthfi...@gmail.com
> Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:57:27 
> To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Reply-To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Iya Mas Band, selama ini nyiapi lokasi paling cepet satu tahun, kalau masuk 
> wilayah kehutanan bisa ber-tahun2. Dengan UU Pertanahan yang baru untuk 
> pembebasan tanah lokasi bisa memakan waktu 400an hari. Prof Rudy Rub bingung 
> kali mengupayakan cara mempercepat penyiapan lokasi, kalau nabrak UU ya tak 
> ada KKKS yg berani bisa dipidanakan. Ya kedepan pemboran makin sulit tidak 
> hanya geologinya tapi juga dokumen perijinannya......
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bandon...@gmail.com
> Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:47:14 
> To: Iagi<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Reply-To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Meskipun dilakukan secara simultan?
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> -----Original Message-----
> From: aluthfi...@gmail.com
> Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:41:27 
> To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Reply-To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Untuk membor (migas) suatu lokasi dulu ada 14 dokumen persetujuan mulai dari 
> kontrak/psc, wp&b (pod bila berproduksi), AFE, pengadaan, UPL/UKL atau Amdal, 
> Pembenasan tanah, pembuatan lokasi, SILO (surat ijin layak operasi) untuk 
> rig, dsb. Semuanya ini bisa selesai lebih dari setahun. Dengan Otda makin 
> banyak persetujuan dan makin ribet. 
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: koeso...@melsa.net.id
> Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:34:35 
> To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Reply-To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Saya kira yg dimaksud drilling permit itu termasuk mendapatkan blok di 
> Federal Land, bukan izin ngebornya sendiri. Kalau di lahan private tdk perlu 
> izin.
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bandon...@gmail.com
> Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:19:24 
> To: Iagi<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Reply-To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Apakah pemeriksaan alat bor sampai makan waktu 10 bulan, sampai sekrup yang 
> kecil dsb? Atau masalah perijinan tentang lingkungan dan kehutanan? Mungkin 
> kalau metode perijinan tidakber-belit2, ijin akan cepat diberikan.
> Atau hal lain yang menyebabkan mundur?
> Salam. 
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <rovi...@gmail.com>
> Sender: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 00:05:03 
> To: IAGI<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>; <migas_indone...@yahoogroups.com>; 
> Indoenergy<indoene...@yahoogroups.com>
> Reply-To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: [iagi-net] Di Amerika perlu 307 hari untuk ijin ngebor
> Pasti banyak yg ngeluh bahwa ijin ngebor di Indonesia itu berbelit dan
> perlu waktu lama. Namun banyak yang ngga ngeh di Amerikapun ijinnya
> perlu 307 hari !
> Tentunya bukan sebagai alasan pembenaran, tetapi itu semestinya bukan
> keluhan yang dipakai untuk mengundurkan komitment pengeboran sumur
> eksplorasi !
> ====================
> By Penny Starr
> )
> Panel: In Time it Takes Feds to Approve Oil-Drilling Permits You Could Watch
> ‘Die Hard’ 3,349 Times
> April 19, 2013 - 4:07 PM
> (CNSNews.com) – The House Committee on Natural Resources revealed on
> Wednesday that the time it
> takes to obtain a permit for oil and gas exploration on state lands is
> about 12 to 15 days – a short time
> compared with the average 307 days to obtain a permit for onshore
> drilling on federal land.
> That means a person could watch the movie “Die Hard” 3,349 times,
> according to the committee, which
> provided facts at the hearing to demonstrate just how lengthy the wait
> is for a federal drilling permit.
> In addition to the “Die Hard” example, a handout provided by the
> committee, showed one could:
> -- Drive from Washington, D.C., to Los Angeles 154 times
> -- Travel to Mars and back – 150 days each way
> -- Hike the Appalachian Trail two times
> Using the average 307-day federal permitting wait time, provided by
> the Bureau of Land Management, and data provided by individual
> oil-producing
> states, the committee handout said that in the time it takes to get a
> federal permit, 30 state permits could be granted in North Dakota.
> Although the U.S. Department of Interior is in charge of granting
> drilling permits on federal land, the BLM was the source for the
> average permitting
> timeframe, according to the committee.
> In his opening remarks, the committee chairman, Rep. Doc Hastings (R-
> Wash.) said the time it takes to get a federal permit has nearly
> doubled
> from the 154 days it took for the process in 2005.
> “Regulatory hurdles, long delays, and policies that keep federal lands
> under lock-and-key have become all too common,” Hastings said. “As a
> result, federal oil and natural gas production has declined.”
> Ranking Democrat Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) defended the Obama
> administration by disputing Hastings’ claim, but did not cite any
> source for his
> statistics.
> “Despite the claims of the majority, [oil] production from federal
> lands onshore is also increasing,” Grijalva said. “Last year oil
> production from
> federal lands onshore was 8 percent higher than in 2011.”
> “It was 16 percent higher than at the end of the Bush administration.
> And production from Indian lands has increased three fold from the
> last year of
> the Bush administration,” Grijalva said.
> According to a March 7 Congressional Research Service report, however,
> the increase in oil production on non-federal lands and production on
> federal lands is down.
> “On non-federal lands, there were modest fluctuations in oil
> production from fiscal years (FY) 2008-2010, then a significant
> increase from FY2010
> to FY2012 increasing total U.S. oil production by about 1.1million
> barrels per day over FY2007 production levels,” the report summary
> states.
> “All of the increase from FY2007 to FY2012 took place on non-federal
> lands, and the federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell
> by about
> seven percentage points.”
> --
> "Control yourself, and you got freedom"

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