Terri Shaffer wrote:
I was wondering if someone could help. I am building an exec that displays a panel, from this panel a person can choose a system and a date and under the covers we will display the appropraite syslog for the 100 systems we maintain.

Were I am having trouble, since I do not work with ISPF Dialogs all that often is in the panel/rexx interfacing. So my question are?

1. How does the exec know when the person hits the PF3 (END) key as they are done viewing logs? The way this is designed is they can view multiple logs with 1 invokation of the exec.

2. In looking at the )INIT, )REINIT and )PROC statements I am also having trouble clearing out a field for the redisplay (like system name). I can blank the field out, but the panel still shows it filled in. Then the person actually has to enter it twice for the next display. Does anyone have a sample that would help or maybe I am doing this in the wrong place?

Any other ideas/help would be greatly appreciated?

Ms Terri Shaffer

The short answer to 1) is: a return code of 8 indicates END was selected

The answer to 2) is a little more complex because we can't see what
you've already coded; there are several possibilities.

I would strongly recommend some training (Of course, that's
my business). There are lots of details that have to fit together
to create a useable, robust Dialog Manager application.

We have a five day class, "Developing Dialog Manager Applications in
z/OS" that covers what you need. Take a look at


for the description of the content; then at the top and the bottom of
that page you will find links; follow the link to "course outline"
and you will see a very detailed topical outline. This will also
give you an idea of the concepts and skills you need to work with
to develop Dialog Manager applications.

We would be delighted to come to your company and teach this,
live, to up to 16 students. Dialog Manager is one of the most
enjoyable / fun topics to work with: instant gratification
for most labs!

If you're the only one at your shop who needs this training, we
have a "Remote Contact Training" offering where you take the
course as a self-study, run the labs on your system, and have
the course author as a mentor-by-email to answer questions,
provide hints and clues, and to evaluate your solutions. See
to get more information on that process.


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


  z/OS Application development made easier
    * Our classes include
       + How things work
       + Programming examples with realistic applications
       + Starter / skeleton code
       + Complete working programs
       + Useful utilities and subroutines
       + Tips and techniques

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