On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 17:40:13 -0500, Glen Gasior wrote:

>Has anyone experienced no NIP console and no MASTER console with an IBM
>2074 ?
>During a D/R exercise the NIP console failed to appear on the PCOM emulator.
>It was available at the HMC software console. The IPL proceeded using the
>HMC console and after the Communication Server was started, the Master
>Console appeared on the PCOM emulator and is working fine.
>I have not found any reason why this would occur. Configuration displays and
>HCD definitions seem normal and unchanged from previous successful IPLs. I
>hope someone has had the same experience and can point me to a possible
>This is a two lpar system. The other lpar, on the same 2074, has not
>experienced this failure.

Is there any difference between D/R exercise and a normal IPL? (Load
parameters or something like that?)

Just a comment on NIP consoles:
We moved from 2074 to OSA-ICC about two years ago, but even before that we
deleted all NIP consoles from IODF. That means all IPL messages at NIP phase
go to HMC console(s). We haven't  seen any disadvantages in doing so.


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