On Wed, 30 Dec 2009 20:09:13 -0600, John McKown wrote:
>I think that in this case, "batch" means "invoked via a JCL EXEC PGM=. I
>hope it doesn't mean when invoked via BPXBATCH as a UNIX process. But,
>then, you can't do a
>//STEPLIB DD PATH='/path/to/my/bin/directory'
>Is there any way to invoke an HFS resident program via EXEC PGM=?
This topic came by a couple years ago.  One of the IBM experts
(Jim M? Peter R? pernaps) was pleasantly surprised to be told that
limited (read-only) BPAM support exists for HFS directories.  His
reaction then seemed to be that it then should not be so difficult.
The hardest part is likely to be getting the C/I to accept the
apostrophes in "// EXEC PGM='true'".

-- gil

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