How can anyone have too many mainframe MIPS?



Just look at SHADOW, the Data Direct Product that enables a TCB workload,
through some niffty fancy footwork, to run workloads on a Ziip processor
which handles SRB only workloads.

I have a former client who automagically extended the CPU life of his 2 GPP
(General  Purpose Processor) configuration by installing their product.

Ziip/Zaap processors are UNTHROTTLED, UNMETERED.  Not like GPP's that are
both throttled and metered.

And wherefore, the IBM suit against NEON, a competing product?

Please note well, the IBM suit is not against SHADOW which was as niffty in
its design for the Patent Law as it was for the Ziip processor itself.

Soooooooo, if all this knee-capping is soooooooo great, why is everyone
installling this product so they can get FREE, UNTHROTTLED MIPS?

Let's stop kidding ourselves, IBM and third party vendors are just using
every device they can find to get what they want and then ratiionalize it.

Textbook definition of rationallzation:  "Something that is completely
logical, just not true".

Much of this trail extolling the virtues of knee-capping ad nauseum is
nothing more than just that, rationalization.

IBM must be chortling at all this, all the way to the bank.

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 2:32 AM, R.S. <> wrote:

> Timothy Sipples pisze:
> [...]
> By the way, IBM substantially reduced the price of z/VSE for many/most
>> customers (including smaller ones) via the new MWLC sub-capacity licensing
>> for Version 4, so again I have no idea where you're getting your
>> information. Same with z/VM: IBM has slashed the price, big time. A zNALC
>> z/OS license at 3 MSUs starts way, way, way down in the 3 figures per
>> month
>> U.S. (And then there are the Solution Edition offerings.) IBM has never
>> done anything like that before.
>> Have mainframe technologies ever been more affordable? Heck no. (I've
>> looked up a lot of historical prices.) And it's long past time we stop
>> perpetuating mainframe pricing myths, because it isn't helping anyone.
> Sounds very reasonable.
> Can I ask where are new customers of this very affordable platform? Did
> anyone observed mass migration to z Series? Any crowd in mainframe shop?
> :-(
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> --
> BRE Bank SA
> ul. Senatorska 18
> 00-950 Warszawa
> S d Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XII Wydzia  Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru
> S dowego, nr rejestru przedsi biorców KRS 0000025237
> NIP: 526-021-50-88
> Wed ug stanu na dzie  01.01.2009 r. kapita  zak adowy BRE Banku SA (w ca o
> ci wp acony) wynosi 118.763.528 z otych. W zwi zku z realizacj  warunkowego
> podwy szenia kapita u zak adowego, na podstawie uchwa y XXI WZ z dnia 16
> marca 2008r., oraz uchwa y XVI NWZ z dnia 27 pa dziernika 2008r., mo e ulec
> podwy szeniu do kwoty 123.763.528 z . Akcje w podwy szonym kapitale zak
> adowym BRE Banku SA b d  w ca o ci op acone.
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George Henke
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