
Have you considered using *Rexx/*EndRexx code in the )INIT section of the
first displayable panel to fetch the Sysvars?

John K

  From:       DanD <mvs-j...@sympatico.ca>                                      
  To:         IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu                                              
  Date:       06/18/2011 10:16 AM                                               
  Subject:    Re: Maintaining ISPF's command stack                              

Thanks for trying John and Elardus.

As I said, originally "DLGNAME;4" worked.
Now with...
the only way I can get it to work is to add extra stack characters...

I also tried "ISPLINK DISPLAY,SYSVARS,,,,ENDCMD" where ENDCMD is a variable

containing "END".
When I tried this, no number of stack characters would get me to option 4.
It appears that when the COMMAND option on the DISPLAY request is specified

the command stack is cleared and replaced with the the caller's variable
(ie. END).

If there was a Z variable that contained the command stack, I could prefix
that with "END".   Hmm..maybe there is such a variable.


-----Original Message-----
From: Elardus Engelbrecht

John P Kalinich wrote:
>For some reason, ISPF needs an ENTER key simulated.  I got this to work by
including a trailing delimiter.

Or you can perhaps try out this to avoid using a delimiter:


Try either suggestions to see which is working. The fact the panel is never
seen may be contributing to your dilemma.


Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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