On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 13:40:34 -0600, Patrick Lyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Hi List - I searched the archives and did a lot of reading about the
>IEA061E message, but I would like a clarification from the people who know.
>In the explanation of IEF352I is the following:
>" Note:  If started tasks or batch jobs that create unusable ASIDs and
>enough times, they will exhaust all available ASIDs and an IPL will be
>required. When IPLing is not an acceptable option, determine which programs
>caused the problems and fix them. Contact the IBM Support Center for
>information about fixing these programs.           "
>I downloaded Mr. Zelden's ASIDLIST rexx exec and here is the output:
> MAXUSER from IEASYSxx:   750
>          In use ASIDs:   238
>       Available ASIDs:   512
>RSVSTRT from IEASYSxx:    10
>       RSVSTRT in use:     0
>    RSVSTRT available:    10
>RSVNONR from IEASYSxx:    60
>       RSVNONR in use:    58
>    RSVNONR available:     2
>So what does this tell me?  Does it mean that we have 2 RSVNONR address
>spaces available and when they are used up then we will not be able to get
>address spaces to start or does it mean that address spaces will be ok
>because of the 512 available ASIDs and just at that time we were below the
>20% threshold?
>Thanks in advance,
>Patrick Lyon
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Sorry for the repost, but does anyone have an opinion on this?

Pat L.

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