(Shmuel Metz  , Seymour J.) writes:
> You really mean 709 and not 7090? That's a big jump!

re: Last card reader?

univ. supposedly had something like #3 709, thousands of tubes that
constantly required maintenance ... something like "20 ton" air
conditioning capacity. much of workload was student fortran ibsys
running tape-to-tape (second or two elapsed) ... with 1401 front-end for
unit record (carried tape between 709 drives and 1401 drives)

there was intermediate step replacing 1401 with 360/30 ... started out
with 360/30 running hardware emulation for the MPIO that did the
unit-record<->tape. I got student job rewritting MPIO in 360 assembler
.... got to design my own stand-alone monitor, interrupt handlers,
device drivers, console interface, etc.

then move to os/360 on 360/65 (actually 360/67 spent most of the time
running as 360/65, replaced both 709 & 360/30) ... much less
heat. student jobs then ran 3step fortran-g, complie, link-edit, & go
... over a minute elapsed time per student jog; hasp got it down to over
30+ seconds elapsed time.

I started taking stage-2 sysgens completely apart and put them back
together for careful ordering of files and pds members to optimize arm
seek ... getting down to a little under 13seconds elapsed time (nearly
three times improvement)

it wasn't until univ. installed watfor that student job elapsed time got
down to 709.

the univ. was supposedly getting 360/67 to run tss/360 ... but tss/360
failed to reach any reasonable operational level. eventually did get
(virtual machine) cp67 january 1968 ... and the univ. let me play with
it on weekends. I rewrote large sections of cp67 before graduating.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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