In a message dated 4/11/2006 10:46:19 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Universities that don't place graduates in jobs don't stay in business  long.
If your place of employment cares about zSeries skills, it is  important
to make that known to local colleges and universities, to offer  internships,
and to participate in job fairs and finally hire some of the  grads.

If your place of employment isn't doing that, it is telling the  colleges
and universities that are its pipeline that zSeries skills aren't  important.

 Thanks for replying. For those of you who don't subscribe to other  lists 
Harry has quite a few on his belt to include the MVS-OE
Guess the point is, "it's a two way street". IBM appears to have sloughed  
off any kind of incentive to .edu's to participate. Dropped HESC, quit bidding  
on new systems, sales reps outsourced to
the hinterlands and compete among themselves for crumbs.
Don't have low end or mid-range system that's competitive with anything.  
This might change but it's woefully late. 
Was over at my sister's last night and her teenager was having trouble with  
his PDA(Tungston II). We pecked around a little and got it's blue tooth 
talking  to his cell phone and in a few minutes were able to download up load 
around  the square and get to AOL.
So the exposure starts much younger and is continuous 'til they get to  
'higher ed'. Now who's gonna opt for JCL and TSO after they've
been ICON'd and auto updated for a decade? The CS departments dropped ALC  
and COBOL at least 12 years in favor of C++, .html, and
Ugh I get tired of typing this stuff in it's  painful....

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