On Fri, 21 Apr 2006 15:41:20 -0700, Skip Robinson 

>To shut down, we VARY XCF OFF. The HMC beeps and turns red. We move on. No
>system reset.
>Bruce Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Re: Fw: IXC102A automated by SFM ?
>What do you do to shutdown?  The red icons indicate that the LPAR is not
>running, meaning that it is in STOP state or some sort of error state,
>so you must have done something.
>System reset is generally a good thing on a shutdown system.  Among
>other things, it does a "selective reset" to every I/O device, which
>releases any RESERVES or pending conditions, resets path group
>definitions, and generally clears the device.
>Bruce A. Black


     If you do not system reset before replying 'DOWN', it is possible 
that the outgoing system may still have I/O in flight while the other 
systems' peer applications are recovering for the demise of their 
partner.  This can lead to data integrity issues.  As Bruce points out, 
the system reset has the effect of purging outstanding I/O, which prevents 
this situation.  If the target system's I/O is known to have completed, 
the other systems can safely take over whatever resources its applications 
were using without fear of unserialized collision.  In most cases, by the 
time you see the outgoing system stopped, its I/O is also complete.  But 
that isn't guaranteed unless you system reset.  So, yes, you have been 
lucky to avoid problems.

     Bill Neiman
     z/OS Development

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