(likely to degrade with time because of 

"Just recently, people have been talking a lot about Project ECLipz, and, I 
have to admit, I
wasn't really sure what they were talking about. Yet, it appears that this IBM 
project has
been in existence since 2001 or thereabouts. And the reason behind the recent 
gossip about it
has been the POWER 6 announcements earlier this year."

Just recently?  This is authored by Trevor Eddolls (ehemals Mr Xephon).  Erm - 
shouldn't he be
up to speed?

Or rather - it isn't.  It's a straight plagiarism of - and I have been actively 
tracking it
since 2002.

A supposed mainframe analyst "wasn't really sure what they were talking about"? 
 Shoot - I
posted it over a year ago (June 2005) and even added an IBM source, albeit in 

Is anyone here still _PAYING_ _MONEY_ to Xephon? For stuff of this quality?  
This late? And
out of date?

Hint:  If you get good, IBM's lawyers get pissed at you.  Badge of honour:

And - if you've got the balls - you tell them where to stuff it.

Anyway, the world has changed since then.

In passing, it amuses me _IMMENSELY_ that I can predict something and get 
opprobrium from
various self-appointed denizens of this mailing list - who then later agree 
when some
"respected" (expensive) analyst finally agrees with me.

_WhereTF_ do you think they get their numbers from? At least three of them.

(Mostly by agreement.)

Except mine are free, which is more than they're worth.

Currently watching the "Development Offering" for 1Q07.

It annoys me when people plagiarise my work.  Xephon are among the worst for 
doing this.  IBM
are next.  I rest my laurels on my earlier publication of the eCLipz story - 
various Internet
archives will support me.

I dunno.  There are people here who rabidly uphold IP rights, and at the same 
time lose no
opportunity to diss me at every opportunity.  My analysis was the result of 
dozens - perhaps
hundreds - of hours of damned hard work.  Yet one sector here simply assumes 
I've "blabbed"
after an NDA (_NEVER_ true - IBM never gives me any) and then suck up to the 
likes of Xephon
(and others) who plagiarise my research without even the basic courtesy of an 

You take your choice.  I'm getting pissed off with the whole business.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7833 654 800

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