On Tue, 6 Feb 2007 12:30:43 +0000, Roy Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>May I ask why you need to rename?
   Have a 1.4 system that is a totally separate/isolated environment that 
doesn't share any dasd with the 1.7 systems I have on the same CEC. All 
HCD work is done on the 1.7 system and a copy of the IODF is shipped 
across to the 1.4 system. For some unknown reason, when the IODF V5 was 
unloaded onto the 1.4 system, HCD on the 1.4 system indicates that it is 
in V4 format. The hw activate was done on a 1.7 system and all the 1.7 
systems are happy, but when the 1.4 system was ipl'ed, it gave the IOS505A 
message indicating the hw and sw tokens are out of synch.

What I would like to do is rename the current 1.4 IODF which is in V4 
format and get another copy of the V5 Format IODF from the 1.7 system and 
name it the same and re-ipl the 1.4 system. I am then hoping that the 
IOS505A message will no longer be issued.


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