----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Fochtman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.ibm-main
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: When to start security product?

We use Top Secret. A consultant made a recommendation late last year that Top Secret should be the first task started during the IPL procedure. The Security Administrator has requested this change.

Currently, we start Top Secret after JES2 completes its start procedure. I really don't see the merit in moving the start of Top Secret earlier in the IPL procedure.

Can anyone explain why starting Top Secret/security product is more advantageous?
IMHO, as long as it's up and initialized before any users can get access, the detailed timing doesn't matter. Before or after JES2 shouldn't matter a whit. Consider this: if there's a JCL error in the proc, starting it AFTER JES2 will allow you to capture the error without too much trouble.

When converting from ACF2 to RACF, it turns out that ACF2 starts WAY later than RACF. We found that out the hard way when IXGLOGR yakked on our first RACF IPL (can't leave home without IXGLOGR). We had to add a bunch of RACF profiles just to get the system to IPL, because there was no need for those rules in ACF2.

Tom Conley
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