On 2007.05.24, Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
main.lst> wrote about "Re: [META] Is WaveMind spamming entire IBM-
MAIN readership?" to IBM-Main:

> on 05/23/2007 at 09:43 PM, "McKown, John"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> > >Two, in fact. Yet another company to ignore.
> Oh, I won't ignore it; I'll complain to his Internet providers.

I didn't go that far but elected to focus on the economic jugular:

"I will be sure to advise all my managers and any other IBM Business 
partners we deal with to ignore all solicitations from this company 
for its practice of spam e-mail."  

An', yes, he did mention, "As an FYI, by law this email is not spam." 
along with the Congress citation.

---------->  signature = 6 lines follows <--------------
Neil Duffee, Joe SysProg, U d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont, Canada
telephone:1 613 562 5800 x4585                 fax:1 613 562 5161
mailto:NDuffee of uOttawa.ca     http:/ /aix1.uottawa.ca/ ~nduffee
"How *do* you plan for something like that?" Guardian Bob, Reboot
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism."
"Systems Programming: Guilty, until proven innocent" John Norgauer 

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