On Sat, 6 Oct 2007 16:30:52 -0500, George Dranes wrote:
>I have our SMF dump jobs dumping directly to a tape dataset with
>LRECL=32760 and BLKKSIZE=32760,RECFM=VBS.  Fortunately we are small
>enough to dump SMF once a day so there are no speed issues not dumping to
>DASD (saves a lot of dasd).  I was just curious if this a a sound way of
>handling SMF?  I've even considered making the output tape blksize something
>larger such as 256K but have always just stayed with the safe 32760.  
You mentioned that you dump directly to "a" tape dataset... isn't that putting 
an awful lot of faith and hope into one measely tape?  I would, if I were doing 
that, be using 2 tapes written concurrently (just in case one of my tapes 
broke or otherwise failed).  Call it "RAIT 0" (a la RAID 0) if you like.  
I would also be considering making the output tape blksize closer to 256K as 
you mentioned.  
Tom Schmidt 
Madison, WI

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