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I'm sorry about this rant, but one annoying spelling
problem seems to have reached epidemic proportions. I'm
afraid people are forgetting what they know and are just
repeating the mistakes they see here.
Loose: v. Free from restraint
Loose: adj. Not tight
Loose: adv. Without restraint
Lose: v. Fail to keep or to maintain; fail to win
They both have many other meanings, but they are
*not* synonyms.
I would never complain about the spelling and grammar
mistakes of those to whom English is a second language, but
many of these are coming from native speakers. I
considered a private e-mail to just those making the
mistake, but I lost count.
This rant was brought you you as a public service
message. (Make sure you're using the right words on
resumes, cover letters, and any communication where you
don't want to negatively impress the recipient.) I now
return you to the normally scheduled topics of how-to,
tuning, and Intellectual Property law.
I cannot receive mail at the address this was sent from.
To reply directly, send to ar23hur "at" intergate "dot" com
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