Presumably z/Journal accepted advertising from Microsoft, and presumably
z/Journal has an open advertising policy of some sort.

Now, I wish all publications would be more explicit and label advertising
more clearly. It sounds like at least a few people got confused and assumed
this advertising represented z/Journal's editorial viewpoint because they
didn't know it was advertising. In these sorts of cases some publications
will add an explicit disclaimer such as: "The following is a paid
advertisement from Microsoft, and the views expressed are solely those of
the advertiser. You are now leaving z/Journal...."  BBC News, for example,
puts the following disclaimer next to every external Web link: "The BBC is
not responsible for the content of external internet sites."  I don't know
if z/Journal already did this, but I think I'd encourage such a label if
not.  However, I'm not the editor or publisher. I'm just a random
subscriber with a personal opinion.

z/Journal's owner has a payroll to make and bills to pay, so I think it's
perfectly fine that they accept advertising from Microsoft or most anyone
else, subject to some reasonable and universal advertising standards which
I assume they already have. Heck, if Microsoft wants to provide some of the
funding to keep z/Journal strong, and if z/Journal can then print more
useful articles about *sensible* mainframe strategies, that's terrific.
Just as long as there's a clean separation between editorial content and
advertising, it's good.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Specializing in Software Architectures Related to System z
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan and IBM Asia-Pacific
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