On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 00:47:29 -0500, Kenneth E Tomiak ranted:

>Tommy Tsui has had posts before, IIRC, that indicate a complete lack of
>knowledge about how an operating system works. I believe he has been 
>how to audit just about everything. Ignorant of what SMF can record, how to
>process SMF data, and how to report on the data. There are lots of manuals
>that discuss this stuff.
I believe that Tommy's past posts have shown an incomplete knowledge but I 
do NOT believe that they have indicated "a complete lack of knowledge about 
how an operating system works."  
I believe that you, Kenneth, have been overly harsh in your judgement of 

I agree that there are lots of manuals that discuss this stuff... so many, in 
fact, that they become a problem for someone who is new to this particular 
operating system (and apparently new to computing).  

Tommy's posts have, IIRC, been on-topic to this particular LISTSERV and 
ought to be welcome here.  Whether you chose to respond to them is, as 
always, up to you.  How you respond might be a wee bit more tempered.  
>On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 17:11:13 -0400, J R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
responded to Ted's earlier post:
>>> It is better to protect the data, rather than the method of copying.
>>That doesn't help if you want the programmer to work on a program
>>but you don't want him to take it with him.
...and that is the bottom line: If you hire a creative programmer to work on 
your software then you need to carefully assess and perhaps accept the risk 
that his creativity might include a method of capturing the work product for 
himself.  There are so many ways to skin that cat that auditing any one is 
pointless.  (Besides, someday you might lose the source and his will become 
the backup.)  
Perhaps this is more of a contract issue with the creative programmer and not 
so much a technical contest?  
We all read & post here to both seek & share our knowledge, don't we?  Or 
have I completely misunderstood ibm-main's purpose?  
Tom Schmidt 

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