Edward Jaffe wrote:
Ted MacNEIL wrote:
So, IBM went with CP for the engines an Central Electronic Complex (CEC) for the box.

These days, they're called CPCs.

In fact there is (was) difference between CPC and CEC. In the very old times of 9672 R1 it was possible to have more than one CPC in CEC.
Now it's 1:1 relation.

CP's that are not specialty engines are GP's.
General Processors.

Or GCPs.

Even IBM uses different names. On HMC it can be GP, while on other places it will be CP. So, CP=GP = MVS processor. "General processing unit" - which can be any of (CP, IFL, zIIP, zAAP, ICF) - it is PU. However it's only matter of naming. Since there is no single & consistent source of the names it comes (or would come) to USS paranoia. <vbg> My advice: if you are not sure what kind of processor is mentioned, simply ASK to be sure. It's better to ask twice, than to be misguide once.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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