----- Original Message ----- From: "Jon Brock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.ibm-main
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 11:08 AM
Subject: Performance report help

We have a mystery that needs to be solved, and I am having trouble
coming up with a report that would help me do it.  Here are the
particulars along with a couple of questions:

Our CPU usage had been trending upward -- as it generally does -- for
several weeks, when we finally started hitting the wall hard during
first shift.  CICS transaction times were starting to elongate, batch
jobs were taking much, much longer to run than usual, etc.  We went a
couple of weeks trying to mitigate things as much as possible, when
suddenly, for no reason that we could detect, system usage dropped one
day and we have been OK ever since.  Naturally, upon inquiring we found
that no one had done anything.


Anyway, I am trying to create a report detailing CPU usage by job for
several of our heavy hitters during the days prior to the big drop.  We
have both RMF and TMON, but I am having little luck with either of them.

For RMF, it appears that SMF type 79 records might contain what I need,
but those appear to only be cut when RMF II is turned on, and we do not
have RMF II activated on a regular basis.

For TMON, it appears that JD (Job Delta, IIRC) records would have what
we need, but, again, they are not generated on a regular basis.

1) Are there other SMF records that could tell me what I want to
2) Are there other TMON records that could tell me?
3) For those of you running RMF, do you have RMF II sessions
running at all times?  If so, does it consume a lot of overhead?
4) For those of you running TMON, do you cut JD records as a
usual thing?  If so, how much does it add to your TMON overhead?


FWIW, I always run RMFMON II. The overhead is minimal compared to when I use it, which is often.

Tom Conley
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