
In school, *someone* wrote a program called "FUN" that simulated the "command prompt" of the interactive system we used. FUN was a simple program that waited for some input from the user, wrote an exact replica of the message that would appear when an unrecognized command was issued (similar to IKJ56500I COMMAND xxxxx NOT FOUND in TSO/E), and then re-issued the prompt and looped back to wait for more input. Watching people's reactions, while FUN was running, was FUN! :-D

I had a program that took control of the whole system. It then issued the message "System error has occurred. Reply '/crash ' or '/nocrash'" No matter what you replied, the result was the same: "Invalid reply. '/Crash' assumed." Then the whole core box was cleared and a branch to location x'00'. Even SADUMP was useless as a debugging tool. :-)

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