In a message dated 6/11/2008 8:25:57 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>It's my understanding that for many decades EXCP has not  executed
channel programs in place and as provided by the  caller.
Back in the days before paging systems, back when there was no virtual  or 
real storage, back when storage was just called "storage", EXCP would execute  
the channel program in place and as provided by the caller, but with extra CCWs 
 in front of the caller's first CCW.  These extra CCWs were added to insure  
data set integrity; i.e., the caller's channel program cannot go to any track  
that is not in the list of allocated extents created by OPEN.  I don't  
remember for sure, but it was probably possible for a caller to have a read  
command executed with a storage address that would cause data being read to  
storage that was outside his region, partition, or whatever the big  chunk of 
storage was called.  So you could clobber the operating system as  well as 
other users' central storage with read commands.  The various DASD  access 
methods on these systems (OS/360, DOS/360, TOS/360, and BPS/360) were  QSAM, 
BPAM, BDAM, ISAM, and QISAM.  They all used EXCP internally to  do I/O 
requests, except for possibly ISAM which sometimes had a naked SIO  instruction 
so I was told).  I don't know very much about the other  access methods for 
devices other than DASD and tape (e.g., TCAM, QTAM, and  BTAM), but I would 
that they all also used EXCP internally.
With the advent of virtual and real storage, IBM chose to require that the  
data addresses inside CCWs be interpreted by the I/O hardware as real  
addresses.  Thus a scheme was needed to convert from virtual addresses to  real 
addresses in order to make the transition to the new systems transparent to  
customers.  The MVS architects decided to create a new I/O concept called  "IOS 
Driver" which is a new layer of software that performs I/O requests without  
to use EXCP.  They also invented a new "access method" called  STARTIO which 
replaced EXCP as the lowest possible level access method.   The ancient DASD 
access methods, QSAM etc., still use EXCP, but EXCP was  redesigned to 
interface between the callers of EXCP (ancient access methods),  which present 
with channel programs containing virtual addresses, and the  new lower level 
thus intermediate, internal "access method" called STARTIO,  which assumes 
that the channel program is in non-pageable storage, with real  addresses of 
data, and which was built by a trusted software component.   Many new functions 
in MVS were designed to use STARTIO directly themselves, such  as the paging 
supervisor, while some new MVS components were designed to use  EXCP, probably 
in order to get the new code written most quickly.  JES2,  e.g., originally 
used EXCP (I haven't dealt with JES2 internals now for 20+  years, so it may be 
different now), probably because JES2 was developed from  HASP, which used 
EXCP, and that code was already well debugged, so why rewrite  it?
they are moved to protected storage so the user can not  modify
them on the fly
Yes, unless you have EXCP appendages, but these must be loaded from an  
authorized library, so the customer can control their use.
>they are prefixed to prevent seeks to prohibited
tracks; virtual  addresses are translated to real; etc.  I'd
further expect changes to  CCW architecture to accommodate XA and
later 64-bit addressing and new I/O  architecture.
Correct on all counts.
>So the "checks
to prevent it" may be a matter of IBM's resource  allotment: rather
than continually update EXCP code to all new hardware  features,
it's easier simply to prohibit use of EXCP for such  purposes.
I concur.  Also IBM would like to "encourage" users to migrate all  
applications to the latest and greatest software and hardware solutions; 
namely,  VSAM, 
DFSMS, ESS controllers, etc., so typically IBM adds support to "strategic"  
products and components first and then maybe, reluctantly and much later, to  
non-strategic components.  They, too, have limited resources for developing  
new products and adding support for new products into other, older, products  
that must interface with the new products.
>It has always struck me as bizarre that the OS supports  running
channel programs built by problem-state programs.  This is  secure
only if the channel programs are in effect interpreted rather  than
executed directly.  A more rational layering of functions  should
have channel programs built only by trustworthy  supervisor-state
I don't know to what you are referring here by "the OS".   Problem-state 
programs in z/OS build channel programs which are then converted  to safe, 
equivalent channel programs by trusted software components  before being 
started by IOS.
In VM, CCWs are not interpreted as far as I know, but rather the channel  
program is scanned before being executed in order to determine how to let it 
safely on its own.  The only way I can think of to execute a channel  program 
interpretively is to do a separate I/O request for each CCW in the  channel 
program (of course, with the necessary CCWs in front of it for it to  work 
correctly).  Then if a CCW reads data, the data would be read  somewhere that 
could trust, and then move that data into the caller's  buffer.  This is 
similar to how interpretive machine instruction is  handled.  But the overhead 
interpreting channel programs would be  prohibitive, I believe, so they are not 
really interpreted.  They are first  made safe with the proper CCWs in front 
of those supplied by the problem-state  caller and then allowed to run on their 
Bill  Fairchild
Rocket Software

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