2008/7/10 Patrick O'Keefe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I had to include "mainframe" in the subject to keep this On Topic.  :-)
> IBM has a bunch of newsgroups at news://news.software.ibm.com.
> Some of them (like the  CommServer groups) have no other similar
> fora (listservers, etc.)  My employer blocks NNTP connections so
> I have to use newsreader-to-http web sites if I want to access
> the newsgroups from work.

At least some of those newsgroups are mirrored on the developerWorks
web site, for example ibm.software.cics.txseries. I had thought Google
Groups or Google Reader could do this sort of thing, but no joy so
far. I guess "death of the net" has pretty much come to pass...

Tony H.

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