Ted MacNEIL wrote:
IMHO manager is not the person who should decide about CSI contents or other 
technical details.
Unless he's responsible for SMP/E.

I agree, but they are the boss!

Oh, yes. boss i always right. Customer is always right. Hoever even the boss cannot do (or demand) impossible things! For example the boss cannot have separate CSI on his PC with MS Vista. And he should demand things hich are against good practice, even if possible. It is also possible to install the XML Toolkit without SMP/E - but why to do it?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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NIP: 526-021-50-88
Według stanu na dzień 01.01.2008 r. kapitał zakładowy BRE Banku SA  wynosi 
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