On Tue, 2 Jun 2009 11:42:25 -0500, Frank Swarbrick <fswarbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Anyone out there use ICSF (Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility) for
>encryption between self and Visa/Mastercard/ATMs?  I'm specifically curious
>about how PIN mailer processing is done.  (If it is done!)  We currently use
>Thales Host Security Modules.  When a new card is ordered a random PIN is
>generated.  We have a printer physically attached to the HSM which is used
>to print a mailer that contains the customer's PIN.  The only place the PIN is
>in clear text is on the serial cable that connects the printer to the HSM.
>I can't see anywhere that ICSF supports this type of thing; thus the question.
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Hi Frank,

to use ICSF for this it would be like Pierre said (whose post is not here
somehow although I saw it on Google groups), its only used for the PIN
processing; you then print it securely outside of ICSF.  I suppose it could
be done.

We used to use channel-attached security boxes and and 6250 impact printers
with special forms...now it's all network-attached on a private LAN, still
zHosted.  No ICSF but it's the same principle.


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