(Jeff Holst) writes:
> Some, if not all, punches had multiple stackers, which might be
> thought of as buckets for receiving the punched cards. At my first
> job, we had a combination reader/punch, and it was possible to direct
> both the read cards and the punched cards to a common stacker. Not
> using a spooler for either the card input or output, it was possible
> to examine the input data and punch a card to flag an error on the
> previously read card. We would have the tabs on the cards (the cut
> corner) of the punched cards such that their location was opposite of
> the read cards, making it easy to spot the punched cards in the
> stack. That was the way it worked years before I got there. Since that
> time, the job in question had gone from card input to tape (produced
> by key to disk operators) and the errors were now identified by a
> printed report. However, the original code to open and close the punch
> was still present and as a result header and trailer cards were still
> punched. My first programming task was to get rid of this, which
> proved to be harder than it sounds.

univ. still did registration with sense-marked cards (no. 2
pencil). field house with lots of tables for each class, get in line for
a card. sense mark were converted to punch holes.

360 with 2540 reader/punch ... five stackers, two dedicated for reader,
two dedicated for punch, one in the middle shared between reader&punch
(stacker "3" for both reader & punch).

large number of card trays (3000 cards/tray) ... fed in 2540 reader and
selected to middle stacker. there would be validation done and if there
was some problem, a blank card was punched behind it. all the
registration cards were plain manila, the cards loaded in the punch had
colored stripe across the top. when everything was done and all cards
back in the trays ... "problems" could be spotted with the colored
stripe card behind it.

I wrote the stacker select code.

2540 reader/punch ... punch on the left, reader on the right

2540 decription

my q&d conversion of gcard ios3270 to html:

card reader/punch command codes

ANSI control characters


other trivia

univ. admin had daily job that had started out on 407, it was then
coverted to 1401 program that simulated 407 plug-board, which then
coverted by some automatic process to 709 cobol, which then got
converted to 360 cobol. the 360 cobol program still printed the 407
sense switches at the end of the run. one day, the program printed out
some sense switch value that the operator wasn't familiar with. whole
production operation was stopped for nearly two hrs while they tried to
figure it out. eventually they decided to rerun to see if the same
values came out.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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