On Tue, 19 Jun 2012 07:20:24 -0500, Tom Marchant wrote:
>>the CBT utility that outputs in IEBUPDTE format is really the best, but I
>>was looking for something standard that I could wrap in a REXX script so
>>that end-users would need to install anything else.
>It is not at all clear to me what you want to do.  Have you considered
>using IEBGENER?  What about TSO TRANSMIT, perhaps to a data set?
An unfortunate restriction of TSO TRANSMIT is that its output is not
suitable for an instream data set.  While it's FB 80, there's no
guarantee that '//' or any other digraph chosen for DLM= won't
occur in the data.  Gerhard's assertion that ']' is "extremely unlikely"
doesn't satisfy me.

But I've experimented with using uuencode on a tar-unloaded
UNIX (USS) directory containing, among other things, a
TRANSMIT-unloaded PDS.  This fits safely in an instream
data set, and can be created and reconstituted using only
standard z/OS utilities.  It all works, but Rube Goldberg.

But I continue to believe that IEBUPDTE is not data-pattern

-- gil

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