On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 10:31:20 -0500, Marna WALLE <mwa...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

>I did just want to expand a little on Mark's sample SMP/E statements for using 
>REPORT MISSINGFIX for verification of both coexistence and target system 
>requirements...I suggest also adding IBM.Function.HealthChecker to that list, 
>so that you can make sure when you have your coexistence PTFs installed on 
>those lower level systems for migration, that you ALSO have the migration 
>health checks installed in one fell swoop.  Just a little time saver.

Thanks.  Sample updated!    I also run this to get all the PSP maintenance, but 
the zones / release I'm upgrading to:


Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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