Hmmm. Not seeing errors from EC at the customer. I wonder if that REMARKS
line is somehow significant. (And Yes, I can test that and no I have not

I will repost here the preceding lines, and also the lines I posted before
as Outlook+Listserve garbled it a bit.

         1         2         3    6         7
00017  AUTHOR.        JOHN DOE.                                           
00018  DATE-WRITTEN.  JULY 1989.


00020 *REMARKS.
00021      '*******************   ************'
00022      '* VARIOUS COMMENT-LIKE TEXT      *'
00023      '* VARIOUS COMMENT-LIKE TEXT      *'


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of McKown, John
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: Is this valid COBOL syntax?

A fast test with Enterprise COBOL 3.4.1 got an error message:

1PP 5655-G53 IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS  3.4.1               ABEND0C7
Date 08/03/2012  Time 10:48:07   Page     5
   LineID  PL SL
---8 Map and Cross Reference
0  000056                    ' IS THIS A COMMENT?

 ==000056==> IGYDS1089-S "' IS THIS A COMMENT?
'" was
                         invalid.  Scanning was resumed at the next area "A"
item, level-number,
                         or the start of the next clause.

And my "gut feeling" is that such a construct is indeed invalid. What are a
few of the lines above these lines?

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