Please check out the following excerpt.  Is it right?  Who is going to buy
obsolete inventory at the same price as current inventory?  Are there not
many resellers out there who will drop the price of the z196?

The three items below make going with the new processor a no brainer compar=
ed to a z196, even if there are not any specific features that help the CMS=
>       IBM does NOT provide fire sales to push out its old stock.  Therefo=
re, upgrading to a EC12 will not cost much more than upgrading to a z196 (t=
he upgrade calculations are a little higher for a two generation tech bump,=
 but only about 10% if adding MIPS).
>       It will last longer before IBM freezes the in-tech HW and microcode=
 upgrades (z10 already has memory frozen; microcode will be frozen in June'=
13).  Expect between 2 and 3 years longer life from a EC12 compared to z196=
>       The software is slightly cheaper compared to z196 AWLC.  Base 3 MSU=
s did not change; other AWLC products have the following discounts in what =
IBM is referring to as TU1 (Technology Update Pricing for AWLC).   Referenc=
e to IBM SW price document below.
o         4 -   45 MSUs                           2.0%
>              46 -  315 MSUs                           4.0%
>             316 - 1315 MSUs                           4.5%
>            1316 - 2676 MSUs                           5.0%
>            2677 - 5476 MSUs                           6.0%
>            5477 - more MSUs                           7.0%

George Henke
(C) 845 401 5614

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