I don't quite  understand this thread, but I find it interesting in that I'd 
like to understand it.

Are you saying, that you can put some sort of "lock" on a control block, so 
that when you update it, you know that nobody else has updated it?

I am not sure if this is apples and giraffes, but I wrote a Rexx exec and ISPF 
panel to show ASCB and related control blocks for a given job that shows all 
about timeouts.

I hit the enter, and my Rexx and ISPF fields change accordingly.

Sometimes I hit enter and see weird garbage in there.  No matter.  I just hit 
enter again and all is well.  I assume the garbage in some of the fields is due 
to the control blocks being in some unknown state.

But if I hit enter and see, for example, 5 things, and somebody updates and 
adds one or takes one away, then when I hit enter again, I'll see the updated 
list.  I see how long I have to wait for a 522, or I see that the job is exempt 
from timeout.  That won't change.  If someone adds something new just a 
millisecond from when I look for it, how is that different from updating a 
database table?  You might say to lock it for update.  I may say that I want to 
read the row, then lock it and update it just if it is has changed.  In that 
case I know if it has changed.  

I'm not trying to be smart, I only want to understand what is the real issue.  
The only thing I can think of is that if multiple control blocks are chained 
together, or somehow are related, that I don't want to read one while the other 
is updated.  

Can I read these control blocks with Rexx?  If so, maybe I'll give it a go when 
I have some free moments.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John Gilmore
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: "New" way to do UCB lookups

Jim Mulder's point is very well taken indeed.

Traversing a dynamic list without serialization on the assumption that since 
you do not plan to change  it no one else will is a mug's game.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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