<quote> You cannot share chpid without the switch. It is point to point 
topology, not daisy chains like in Bus&Tag.  </quote>

That is incorrect. I routine share channels across LPARs.

The purpose of the switch is to connect multiple physical CECs to a single 

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of R.S.
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 3:26 AM
Subject: Re: Base SYSPLEX setup

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W dniu 03.06.2020 o 06:09, Brian Westerman pisze:
> no switches exist at the site.
> I can't see how to share the CTC and NON CTC Control units on a Ficon card, 
> it (HCD) keeps generating a message that you can't "share" CTC and NON CTC on 
>  the same CHPID, but maybe I'm doing something wrong.

You cannot share chpid without the switch. It is point to point topology, not 
daisy chains like in Bus&Tag.
Note, second hand switch with 8Gbps speed can be purchased just for peanuts.
Regarding CTC, I think it is well documented. It was documented when I read 
about it years ago when I moved from ESCON to FICON.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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