I wouldn't use a non-evergreen browser! But some companies want to control updates which is probably corporate policy albeit brain-damaged. I would be leery about connecting to the internet using IE!

On 2020-06-16 7:36 PM, Scott Chapman wrote:
Increasingly rare though.

Looking across all of our customer requests for the last month or so, I do see 
users who came in on IE, but in every one of those instances, somebody else 
from the company came in on Chrome, Firefox, or Edge (which the earlier 
versions weren't that much better than IE). There's even a few Safari and Opera 
users out there.

The numbers imply that IE may be the corporate default but most (and apparently 
all our customers) are allowing Chrome or Firefox as well. Chrome seems to be 
the most popular option. Even Microsoft saw the light: the current version of 
Edge is based on the open source version of Chrome under the covers. Some have 
suggested it would be better to have more diversity in the underlying browser 
technology, but Chromium generally is pretty good.

Scott Chapman

On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 10:46:13 -0400, Gord Tomlin 
<gt.ibm.li...@actionsoftware.com> wrote:

On 2020-06-15 00:49, David Crayford wrote:
Wow, "corporate-required Internet Explorer"! Your company needs to
review some of it's standards!!
We still encounter this now and then in our customer base.


Regards, Gord Tomlin
Action Software International
(a division of Mazda Computer Corporation)
Tel: (905) 470-7113, Fax: (905) 470-6507
Support: https://actionsoftware.com/support/

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