dealing with the existing tapes is doable via a rexx exec that submits a series 
of IEBGENER, but it's the JCL that they want (preferably SMS) to deal with.
On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 07:12:15 -0500, Paul Gilmartin <> wrote:

>On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 17:34:17 +0800, Brian Fraser wrote:
>>Why can't his jobs generate dsns like  HLQ.FICHE.TAPE.D091720.T1123 ?
>>Can use system symbols to generate the date and time in the JCL output DD.
>I understand that system symbols are not supported in JCL DSNs because of
>o ambiguity between EXECSYS and CNVTSYS
>o queue latency -- the job might run at a time not matching the JCL symbols.
>(If the actual date and time values are important I understand they
>may be invalid because around midnight date and time might be
>fetched on different days, resulting in a 23+ hour error.  Murphy
>says this will only be a problem when it matters.  Rexx can do it
>right; why can't JCL?)
>>On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 at 15:36, Brian Westerman wrote:
>>    ...  So over time, they ended up
>>> with about 30,000 tapes from the over 9,000 jobs that CA-1 keeps around
>>> until expiration date. 
>>> The problem is that they want to know if there is a way to automatically
>>> catalog datasets at creation time, to which I told them we could, but only
>>> 1 of them because you can't catalog two datasets with the same name.  But
>>> they want to have "the system" which I'm guessing is me :), dynamically
>>> rename these datasets at creation time to add a date and time, such as
>>> change HLQ.FICHE.TAPE to which I would dynamically make it
>>> HLQ.FICHE.TAPE.D091720.T1123, meaning today's date and the current time (if
>>> it was 11:23am).
>Use the seconds also, as D200917.T112359.  With thousands of entries
>a collision is likely.  And use YYMMDD for the date for easy sorting of
>Is it possible to rename a tape data set?  That would seem to require
>overwriting the HDR1 label, but tapes can't be updated in place.
>I'm imagining a sequence such as:
>Momentarily catalog HLQ.FICHE.TAPE
>Uncatalog HLQ.FICHE.TAPE.  I understand that symbolic aliases
>remain when the RELATED name is uncatalogued.
>-- gil
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