> On Behalf Of John Gilmore
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 8:07 AM
> > Subject: Re: I do not understand S0C6 on CDSG
> >
> > I have also verified that Edward Jaffe's clarification is entirely
> > correct.  I am now more than a little curious to discover how this
> > particular bug was discovered.
> >
> > It is clear that one can specify GOFF and quadword alignment and then,
> > avoiding with care or having had the blind luck to avoid any GOFF
> > features that are not supported by the linkage editor (or the binder
> > pretending to be the linkage editor), obtain a load module.

I have no desire to reignite old conflicts in this area, but I can attest
that the ONLY alignment values actually supported by contents supervision
were doubleword and page, regardless of what the binder doc claimed. Most
of the GOFF functionality introduced in PM3 circa mid '90s existed only in
the designer's minds. As perhaps the only person on the planet actually
trying to exploit that functionality in vendor code I had an almost daily
dialog with developers in the assembler, binder, contents, DFSMS, media
manager, PDSE and other component I've probably long forgotten. Even things
you wouldn't think of (e.g. AMBLIST) got hit. So i am not at all surprised
that bugs are still being uncovered now.

However, the alignment of storage occupied by the load module/program
object is immaterial to the alignment of storage operands. PAGE alignment
was always available and would give the desired results using the
techniques already discussed. For those worried about a few bytes wasted in
a page, the virtual storage macros were long ago adjusted to allow
specification of boundary alignment via CONTBDY and STARTBDY. If PoPs says
an operand has to be quad-aligned - believe it.

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artist formerly known as CC
(or not) You be the judge.

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