On 2 March 2013 20:16, Peter Relson <rel...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Paul Gilmartin wrote
>>breaks commonly used conventions or newer HLASM functions
>>(e.g. SETRP),

Actually Iwrote that bit, so putting Paul in the subject line was even
worse... :-)

> Can you be more specific?

I'm at home, so not as specific as I can be on Monday. But SETRP
generates a NOPR with an expression (related to the SDWA, I think)
obviously intended (and I think commented) to fail if the length is
not 0. However HLASM doesn't think the expression is a likely register
value - a legal one, certainly - but still worth a warning if you have
registers EQUated with the GR or GR32 or GR64 option.

> It's pretty likely that SETRP did not break anything (unless it was 30
> years ago). I could easily believe that some things might not work with
> newer HLASM functions (but I'm curious "which").

I don't think I said that SETRP breaks function, but it makes it hard
to use the new features. It would be simple to generate something that
the HLASM doesn't think is a register reference, e.g. 0AL1(...) or the

> IBM typically makes no claim that its existing macros work with newer
> HLASM functions, unless otherwise stated. I'll bet that your code makes no
> such claim either.

Fair enough. But I think of "my" code as including those documented
and common IBM macros. If I have to choose between not using SETRP and
giving the assembler enough info to help diagnose some of my finger
checks, well of course I have to use SETRP. Maybe it's not to hard to
#pragma (as the C folks would put it) around it, but I don't think I
should have to.

In fairness, SETRP is a very rare example of this kind of problem in
supervisor macros. Non working examples (which started this thread),
and bad machine-generated "assembler" from PL/X are much more frequent

> Use new HLASM functions on your own code at your own discretion; don't
> presume they work on others' code.

Well, that's tricky... Newer IBM macros rely on some newer (for
various values of newer) assembler functions. Realistically, if no IBM
mainstream macros are guaranteed to work when certain newer assembler
functions are used, then no application programs that invokes z/OS
services can use those functions. Surely these functions are not meant
for John Gilmore's presumably isolated table generation schemes

I will dig up the REXX and VxAM details when I can. The VxAM macro
does not allow any positional operands, and MNOTEs to that effect if
you supply one. This makes it impossible to use a comment or update
flags on the line that invokes the macro. The normal way around this
is to supply a single comma as the "positional operand", but this
macro (can't remember which one) presumably checks N'&SYSLIST and
flunks it.

Details on Monday if you care.

Tony H.

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