
On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 8:48 AM R.S. <> wrote:

> Well...
> Ultraedit offer some conversions, but no custom-defined tables. I need
> to use my own table - that's the problem.
> For regular "quick and dirty" EBCDIC -> ASCII conversion I would use
> ...MS Word, which has ability to read EBCDIC text files.
> However it's also not the goal.
> And important: I would avoid editors, especially those which read all
> file into memory - this is not good for larger files, which I expect to
> manage. I think HxD is better since it can edit large files without
> reading all the content into memory.
> Gentlemen, thank you for your prompt response, I appreciate it.
> Regards
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> W dniu 29.12.2020 o 15:24, Steve Horein pisze:
> > I know several people that use UltraEdit:
> >
> >
> > I personally use notepad++, so cannot provide any first hand experience.
> >
> > On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 7:30 AM R.S. <>
> wrote:
> >
> >> 1. I'm looking for some simple tool for conversion EBCDIC to ASCII and
> >> vice versa.
> >> Unfortunately it has to run under Windows.
> >> Requirements:
> >> Run under Windows, preferrably in batch mode (command line interface)
> >> Custom-defined tables of conversion
> >>
> >> 2. I'm looking for a tool similar to IDCAMS SKIP/COUNT - the goal is to
> >> skip first nnn bytes of the file or skip file remainder.
> >>
> >>
> >> Any clue?
> >>
> >> --
> >> Radoslaw Skorupka
> >> Lodz, Poland
> >>
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