1. Yes, maybe I described it incorretly.
Regarding your question - yes I need something like
convert ifile ofile [-tablefile]
Just byte to byte translation. No CR/LF issues, no record boundaries, just byte to byte. The file can be large (may not fit in memory).

I agree, it is not black magic. Actually ...I did it in the past.
I wrote simple program in Turbo Pascal. AFAIR 1 hour later I modified it to read translation table from a file. However it was many moons ago and the tool is no longer usable, cause it is 16-bit application (for DOS) and current x64 Windows does not run such programs. There are tools like virtual machine or just DosBox, but it seems to be Rube Goldberg solution. While I am still able to code a program (I hope so!), I don't want to start the project, install huge tool like Visual Studio, start learning "foreign" language, learn all the environment specifics, etc. It is just like building brewery just to have a beer for dinner. Not to mention security policies. As I said, I did it in the past, using ancient (now) tools, and I know how to do it in z/OS realm. And it seems simple, so I hope someone already did it and the tool is available as many, many other tools. HxD has many advantages, but I guess it has no batch mode. Batch is better - it is automatic ;-) I don't know how many files will be processed that way, now it is possible to do it manually, but thing may change.

2. This is even simpler tool, maybe it address rare need - just to truncate first nnn bytes from beginning of file
Possible usage:
truncfile -header -12384 ifile ofile
truncates/deletes header, which is 12384 bytes long, the output is written to ofile. Ofile is shorter than ifile, the difference is 12384 bytes. No CR/LF issues, just byte after byte.

I'm going to install HxD and try its features. However I'm still looking for something batch-able.

Thank you!

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 29.12.2020 o 17:32, Charles Mills pisze:
1. Conversion tool: your question is a little under-specified. You want a
file to file conversion program? Read in a file in EBCDIC and write it out

Do you have any ability at all to write a program for Windows? In C, Rexx,
Visual Basic, etc.? The basics of translation are fairly simple. Would not
be terribly hard to read-in the translation table from some specified
source. Can you code at all in any non-mainframe-specific language? MS
Visual Studio is free in lightweight versions and would let you build and
debug a simple program pretty readily.

There is the nasty problem of line endings. (Don't get @Gil started <g>) Do
you expect "records" in ASCII? How will they be delimited? How will the line
endings in the EBCDIC file be indicated?

2. Pretty much the same answer.

@Steve, I don't think it's what he is looking for, but another vote here for
HxD in general. I find it useful for examining EBCDIC files on a PC.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of R.S.
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 5:30 AM
Subject: EBCDIC-ASCII converter and other tools

1. I'm looking for some simple tool for conversion EBCDIC to ASCII and
vice versa.
Unfortunately it has to run under Windows.
Run under Windows, preferrably in batch mode (command line interface)
Custom-defined tables of conversion

2. I'm looking for a tool similar to IDCAMS SKIP/COUNT - the goal is to
skip first nnn bytes of the file or skip file remainder.

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