On 5/13/2021 8:54 AM, Michael Babcock wrote:
Oh, and the AT-TLS error was 402.

BPXF024I (STSYSLOG) May 12 20:26:41 XXXXX/TCPIP  TCPIP 256
TTLS[280]: 15:26:41 TCPIP    EZD1286I TTLS Error GRPID: 00000017
ENVID: 0000008B CONNID: 0000C6AD LOCAL: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx..7199 REMOTE: JOBNAME: XXXXRECV USERID: XXXX RULE: Secure_FTP_Client_9921 RC:  402 Initial Handshake 0000000000000000 00000052FDA4BC900000000000000000

Which is "402: An SSL cipher suite could not be agreed upon between the client and server. "

Sorry you're still having trouble Michael, but this is now beyond my level of expertise. I suggest you contact IBM Support if you have not done so already.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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