Flagship? I thought that was Linux on Z.

Why doesn't z/OS have, e.g., ANSI REXX, NTP, OOREXX, various compilers 
ubiquitous in the *ix world? Why does STP cost extra?

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of 
David Crayford [dcrayf...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: How can I tell the zFS files being used by my application

On 18/05/2021 1:52 am, Kirk Wolf wrote:
> - good low-overhead (sampling) profiling tools for the z/OS JVM don't
> exist (maybe this has changed?).   IMO this was a huge barrier for
> Java on z/OS.

Unfortunately, othing has changed :( z/OS only partially supports the
JVMTI implementation. Hopefully, now IBM/OpenJ9 is open source the Java
tooling landscape will improve. RedHat supports Flight Record in their
OpenJDK distros
and IMO z/OS should at the very least have the same. I say again, Java
on z/OS needs a lot more love then it's currently getting. z/OS is
supposed to be the flagship IBM OS. We've started to introduce Kotlin to
modernize our tooling as IBM are too slow updating
Java versions on z/OS. So far it's been a success. Kotlin adds some
runtime overhead due to additional boilerplate code but it's well worth
it. Null safety, no checked exceptions and type safe builders alone are
a good enough reason to start transitioning, albeit slowly.

> - Sometimes CPU costs don't matter where time to market or
> functionality are more important or where the application doesn't run
> that much.

Agreed. And I suppose that was Andrew's point. If his Java product can
run quick enough as a batch utility then happy days. If it runs like a
stallion on a zIIP :two-thumbs-up:

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