Excellent retort!  I agree.  Why make something simple and so many people 
understand into something that is complex and black box-ish.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Thigpen <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 18, 2021 7:52 am
Subject: Re: even an old mainframer can do it

The problem is that he approached his objective from the wrong direction.

It appears that is objective was to 'avoid changing the JCL for 
different control cards'.

We do write some of these type programs for queries that end-users need 
to submit. Maybe TSO based on CICS based. But, we normally just prompt 
for the data card parms and then submit a modified JCL member to JES.

Sometimes, we programmers need the same sort of process and because we 
just need to do something all the time and are lasy. Thus TSO panel for 
submitting compiles.

But, we normally just use a front-end to make a minor change to the JCL 
before it is submitted.

This guy, who claims he is a "Seasoned mainframer guy" (and I will 
ignore the fact that it's either "mainframe guy" or "mainframer" without 
the "guy") apparently decided that the JCL was 'evil'. That is what I 
don't understand. He took something that any basic programmer/operator 
(mostly) understands and replaced it with something that few in the 
field would understand.

It seems very Rube Goldberg to me. And, I agree, it seems 'woke' to me 
too (as in 'JCL' is now the new evil').

Tony Thigpen

kekronbekron wrote on 8/17/21 11:59 PM:
> Objectively, this has got to be madness.
> Just look at the JCL that's being shoved into a horrid, horrid Python program.
> ~200 lines to replace 18 lines of JCL.
> Oh.. and that's leaving aside the condescending tone about 'the old 
> mainframer'.
> Whether a person wants to learn something or not (therefore choosing their 
> path) is up to them.
> They don't need to be harassed/shamed about it.
> Just because there were some people on mainframe forums consistently 
> harassing everyone with "check with your site's system programmer / RTFM / 
> etc.", it doesn't mean the woke folk need to return the favour by being 
> passive aggressive or insulting senior sysprogs for not wearing neon shorts 
> or whatever.
> If this is being paraded as simplification, now the mainframe is truly doomed.
> - KB
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