On Wed, 18 Aug 2021 08:46:43 +0000, Seymour J Metz wrote:

>Aftermarket books generally get things wrong; that's why I prefer to use the 
>reference manuals as tutorials. BTW, can you spot what else is wrong with that 
o Should ENQ specify EXC?  (Or other locking mechanism such as CS.)

o Should "user" be "job", "thread", or ???

o In some cases such as an in-module RSA, restore is unnecessary.

o ...
>FWIW From "MVS Systems Programming" by Dave Elder-Vass (IBM McGRAW-HILL
>SERIES, ISBN 0-07-707767-9, 1993):
>[Section 3.7.2:] "In theory, self-modifying sections are allowed in
>re-entrant programs as long as they are preceded by an ENQ, followed by
>a DEQ, and restore the modified section to its original value before
>issuing the DEQ. These restrictions ensure that only one user can use
>the modifying section of code at any one time; however, it introduces
>potential delays for widely shared programs and is not recommended."

-- gil

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