On 10/26/21 9:01 AM, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote:
I do understand what you say, but I tend to doubt that IBM (even the vigorous IBM legal team) would care whether a new tool or utility developed on a ZD&T system was contributed to CBTTAPE. CBTTAPE doesn't affect their bottom line enough to matter.

My 2ยข worth is that developing open-source / non-commercial software is probably outside of the spirit of /learning/ the z/OS platform. However it is probably inside of the spirit of a /hobbyist/ use of the z/OS platform. My /limited/ understanding of -- what I'm going to call -- zDT-LE, is that it's intended for both /learning/ and / or /hobbyist/ use. As such, I /think/ that developing open-source / non-commercial software on zDT-LE /might/ be okay. It will likely take an IBM lawyer to state one way or another with any authority.

I still believe that "learning" requires "development", and that the phrases in the T&C's limiting use for "development" are specifically aimed at preventing corporations from trying to use it to reduce real-iron MSU's and thus IBM profit, and not aimed at preventing "learners" from writing and testing code.

I agree that there is some amount of development that is part of learning the z/OS platform. But there is a big difference in developing in the pursuit of answering "how do I do <thing> on the z/OS platform" and needing a z/OS platform as a requisite to develop <other thing>. The former is likely within the scope of zDT-LE, the latter /might/ not be. Especially if the latter is even remotely (mis)construed as something that is beyond hobbyist level. Does developing open-source / non-commercial software for the zO/S platform count? I don't know.

As the quote goes: I can't define what <something> is, but I'll know it when I see it. In this case <something> is development for more than learning purpose.

A litmus test might be is your goal to develop a specific thing or could you develop a different thing to learn the same concept. If you can replace things at will, then you /probably/ qualify under zDT-LE as I understand it. If you are developing a specific thing, well, that's a slippery slope and I'll defer to IBM's lawyers.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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