> It's my understanding that IBM dropped Swift

Wow. Swift was the flavor of the month a couple of years ago.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of David Crayford
Sent: Thursday, January 6, 2022 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: ... Re: Top 8 Reasons for using Python instead of REXX for z/OS

Here is my list of must haves for a scripting language. Does REXX or 
ooRexx meet the requirements?

 1. Short circuit evaluation
 2. Functions as first class objects
 3. Mutli-threading
 4. Dynamically typed, preferably with type hints
 5. co-routintes
 6. A module system
 7. Support for object oriented programming
 8. Regular expressions
 9. Libraries for web programming, pegs, JSON/YAML parsing etc

It's my understanding that IBM dropped Swift because there was no 
interest in it. They have since ported Golang which is more useful. For 
example, running Prometheus/Grafana natively on z/OS or Docker.

On 6/1/22 7:46 pm, René Jansen wrote:
> Answers inline.
>> On 6 Jan 2022, at 04:54, David Crayford <dcrayf...@gmail.com>levelled. If 
>> young employees don’t want to work on 3270 tube images or JCL, maybe we 
>> should stop hiring prima donna’s but instead disadvantaged people who want 
>> to work and learn something.
>> It's insulting to call young people prima donna's just because they don't 
>> want to use 3270 or JCL. Are we pima donna's because we didn't want to use 
>> paper tape and typewriters to write code? Technology moves on and the 
>> mainframe has to keep up. And I'm happy that IBM are doing a brilliant job 
>> of doing that.
> I used all of those including punch cards. It was needed at the time. You did 
> not parse the sentence right, it started with if,  and young is just an 
> adverb. I know some old men here that categorically refuse to logon to z/VM - 
> they also are prima donna’s. So don’t make it look like I said anything about 
> young people. I know a lot of young people who work on 3270 and don’t 
> complain.
>>> Tragically, the true value of the mainframe, which is realized in all those 
>>> products you call old, is not realized in those ‘modern’ programming 
>>> paradigms - remember the first TCP implementation for MVS ? - it ran like a 
>>> dog and chewed up whole lpars while VTAM still did the work. This was of 
>>> course because it was a straight port of the code for some other 
>>> architecture.
>> Have to disagree with you there Rene. I work with the guy who was the 
>> architect for OMVS back then and TCP was implemented in Pascal with a crap 
>> compiler. It's a topic of nostalgic jokes on our internal slack channels.
> If you have seen the code then you must know that it did not really utilize 
> the channel architecture. We are talking pre-omvs. OMVS needed TCP and not 
> the other way around. The second Pascal version was a lot better because it 
> understood architecture.
>>>   Moving to other tools while they are not ripe for the environment would 
>>> be irrational. I don’t know what happened to the budget for Swift on z/OS 
>>> but I hope you see what I mean. A port of Python that is not ready will 
>>> accomplish the same thing. Your prima donna’s will complain that library X, 
>>> Y or Z is still not available on the mainframe and pressure their 
>>> management to go off it - I see that happen every day, while fighting 
>>> performance myths and disasters caused by ‘modern’. It is undeniable that 
>>> git - which I love and use every day, is much more complicated on z/OS 
>>> because of EBCDIC, access methods, records and block sizes. This is the 
>>> reality and we should not deny it to please people who learned to allocate 
>>> a file with ‘touch test.txt’. They will get stuck without that knowledge 
>>> and hate their work even more.
>> A Swift port wasn't expensive. IBM had already ported LLVM to z/OS using a 
>> ported front end and their TOBY back-end so it was just a matter of interop. 
>> Same with golang etc, etc. Now there is a real z/OS port open source port of 
>> LLVM the possibilities are endless. Why not be positive about the future?
> Another suggestive statement. I can argue with you about facts, without 
> accusations and suggestions. Can you? I worked with the Swift compiler, to 
> sort out some things for a colleague. I liked it and am disappointed IBM now 
> decided, over Medium, to push Python, which I find decidedly mèh and not 
> innovative at all compared to Swift. While knocking Rexx without any valid 
> content. Because it is old? Exec and Clist are old, and I don’t need to say 
> anything bad about it, they just are available and keep running.
>>> We all have different tastes and that is one thing, another thing is when 
>>> that taste is driven by commercial interests. And still another when those 
>>> interests are going against the best interest of the platform.
>> The best interests of the platform is maintain the system of record and the 
>> legacy and then modernize. Otherwise, the platform with wither on the vine.
> I worked on systems in the other side of the ocean on a pensioner’s adsl 
> (half the cost, half the speed). The only thing that works well is 3270, and 
> technical people must know why it is better than RDP. While putting Racf on a 
> z/VM and protecting the tcpip too well, I had to fall back to the emulator on 
> the HMC. I am still dreading the moment that might happen again.
> To keep this alive, IBM should invest in Rexx, provide an OO version and make 
> sure the compiler, which generates revenue, is uplevelled to 64 bit. If it 
> chooses to back Python, that is fine with me, but it can be done without 
> pitting it against Rexx. The adoption of Rexx was a groundswell against IBM 
> management, that made strategic choices at the time like we need to use TSS, 
> go off VM and convert to JES3.
> Then of course it should invest in Python to make sure its interfaces can 
> call 24, 31 and 64 bit code, use or replicate the existing ADDRESS 
> environments, and that will be a lot of work. Then it is to be seen if that 
> investment can be recuperated.
> What would be even better is to let the customers decide and develop. For 
> some reason IBM stopped taking care of the tools that brought in the money, 
> and instead of letting customers take care of them, it sold off or outsourced 
> a lot of stuff. There are a lot of people willing to work in this, but the 
> source is closed and the development environments expensive. *That* is the 
> real old-world thinking here. Other companies (I heard Amazon, lately) are 
> writing whole API compatible layers now to enable companies to re-platform 
> their stuff, those must be enormous investments, and IBM could obviate them 
> with opening up the development environments and right-pricing the OS and 
> hardware; put in a services model. It is no coincident that a machine with 
> only IFL’s in it is a tenth of the price? Those miss one or two instructions 
> - and that exactly shows you the value of z/OS and other things that are 
> being called old.
>>> Best regards,
>>> René.
>>>>> On 5 Jan 2022, at 05:20, David Crayford <dcrayf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 5/1/22 12:01 pm, Bob Bridges wrote:
>>>>> Hm.  If that's true of many shops (and it sounds plausible), maybe my 
>>>>> sneers at the colleges' ignorant comments are ill-founded and they may be 
>>>>> starting to win their war against the mainframe.  Of course, if their 
>>>>> efforts have a lot of effect then surely the need for CICS will reverse 
>>>>> the trend...wouldn't you think?
>>>> I don't think the universities have got anything against the mainframe. 
>>>> They don't have access to them. IBM should make mainframe emulators freely 
>>>> available to all universities. Some of our best young guys have degrees in 
>>>> engineering,  not CS. It takes a long time to train new hires on the 
>>>> mainframe. For example, JCL is arcane and generally despised by kids who 
>>>> have grown up coding shell scripts. As you mentioned CICS it's worth 
>>>> noting that CICS supports both Spring Boot and Node.js. They set the 
>>>> standard for modernization. The open beta has a new has a new YAML file 
>>>> for resource definitions that comes with a JSON schema so you can get 
>>>> context assist in editors and validation in the DevOps pipeline. The CICS 
>>>> guys innovate and modernize. I salute them.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Bob Bridges, robhbrid...@gmail.com, cell 336 382-7313
>>>>> /* [On the observation that every culture has words equating 
>>>>> "uncivilized" and "foreigner":]  Tragic?  It's sidesplitting!  It's the 
>>>>> only joke the Almighty ever repeats, because it never grows stale with 
>>>>> use.  -from _Star Beast_ by Robert A Heinlein. */
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf 
>>>>> Of David Crayford
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 21:48
>>>>> It's true. The company I work for has been on-boarding millennials for 
>>>>> years now to replace the guys that are retiring. I work with some very 
>>>>> smart young guys, some of who write systems level code. None of them use 
>>>>> REXX unless it's used in a product they are working on. We're ripping and 
>>>>> replacing decades old build tools written in REXX with Python because 
>>>>> it's become technical debt and no one can support it.
>>>>> The typical millenial uses:
>>>>>    * An IDE such as VS Code, IntelliJ, Slickedit with plugins for
>>>>>      mainframe languages and to access the MVS file system.
>>>>>    * They don't use TSO or the ISPF editor so there is no need for REXX
>>>>>      edit macros etc. ISPF is mainly used for SDSF and submitting jobs.
>>>>>    * They work in a interactive shell and use UNIX utilties.
>>>>>    * Everything is stored in Git repositories.
>>>>>    * They code scripts in Python, Node.js or a JVM language.
>>>>>> --- On 5/1/22 10:06 am, Seymour J Metz wrote:
>>>>>> That's David Crayford, not me. I have no basis to either confirm or 
>>>>>> contradict. It's unfortunate if true.
>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>> From: Bob Bridges [robhbrid...@gmail.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 9:03 PM
>>>>>> Shmuel, I'm interested (and perhaps a little dismayed) at your third 
>>>>>> point.  I've gotten the impression, from reading ads about job openings, 
>>>>>> that REXX programmers aren't very thick on the ground even at IBM where 
>>>>>> you'd think it'd be pretty easy to find them.  But "shrinking by the 
>>>>>> day"?  Where do you get that?  I'm not disagreeing -- I have no data -- 
>>>>>> but have you?
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: David Crayford
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 19:23
>>>>>>    1. IBM are too busy porting contemporary languages like Python, Golang
>>>>>>       and Node.js
>>>>>>    2. No vendor will port ooRexx because there is no market for it that 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>>       willing to pay support
>>>>>>    3. The pool of REXX developers is shrinking by the day and no young
>>>>>>       people want to learn it unless they have to
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