not shameless IMHO, a great tool I use first before hitting the books.

to age myself a bit, I remember getting boxes of hard copy, and updates periodically and was able to update the doc by hand, anyone remember the

| update makes and what pages to remove and replace?

taking that away and replacing it with a ACTION(DOC) update is little to no help with all the products that now encompass the base

I hope IBM developers are reading, listening, we really need the ability to update PDF doc, IBM pushed KC to be on our local processors, and HAD a great tool to get the doc from IBM and update our local copy of the KC, last I head that's not working? or de funked?

I don't know how this can be done, but I'm sure it can be done via SMP/E or an outboard tool to update our local doc with any ACTION(DOC) I would be willing to do what's necessary to create a local repository and update any cfg file to make this happen locally


On 1/21/2022 11:03 AM, Ramsey Hallman wrote:
To throw in a shameless plug, if you have MVS/QuickRef, much of the IBM and
ISV content is available on your mainframe for instant access, internet or
not, KC up or down, USB plugable, etc.  And for our clients, if there is
content we do not currently have that you desire, let us know and we will
do our best to obtain that content and add it to our database.

Prior to becoming a developer for MVS/QuickRef, every shop I worked in as a
s/p had QuickRef.  If it didn't when I arrived, it did by the time I left.
I don't know what I would have done without it.  It's almost impossible to
keep physical manuals up to date as quickly as software changes.

Ramsey Hallman
MVS/QuickRef Development
Chicago-Soft, Ltd.

On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 10:48 AM René Jansen<>

Yes, that is a very good idea. It would follow the general route in which
progress is made, then undone, and then redone. As JSON api’s to everything
are the fashion nowadays, that would be really welcome to stay updated, by
e.g. having a nightly cronjob that updates the docs databases. If these
were of the tagged variety, we could even generate updated PDFs out of
these. I would be like updating TLS newsletters without catching your
finger in the blue binder!

Best regards,


Sent from my iPad

On 21 Jan 2022, at 16:25, Matt Hogstrom<>  wrote:

One thing not mentioned on the thread is the ability to have APIs to
read the IBM document database.  If one exists please share.  The document
database assumes a human at a browser which is limiting and a supported and
stable API interface would be welcome.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1

On Jan 20, 2022, at 17:18, Hank Oerlemans <> wrote:
How many online systems have IBM put out there now ?
Just when it's all seems stable it changes and we go around again.
I could mention the stacks of manuals I started with that never went
down :-) but think of the trees.
Damn ! Am I that old ?

I'm gonna download the pdf collection for now.

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