We had an interesting question raised recently in my work place by our
security team.

They said, if you have multiple LPARs on a Z box and you share FICON
adapters going to the same DS8K is there any data leak issue that could
occur? That is,  could LPAR1 inadvertently see traffic to the SAN that is
defined for LPAR2 but sharing the same FICON adapter. Maybe somebody mixed
up the IODF or something like that?

I thought not and said, isn't that how VMware and Hiper-V work. The
hypervisors share out FC cards etc. to the various VM's and it doesn't seem
to be an issue and z/OS (or is PR/SM) is likely to be a much hardier OS
security wise.

Anyway I would get the view of the experts on the forum.


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